FLoLogic FLS_G1.5 Leak Detection and Auto Water Shut-Off System with 1.5 Inch Valve and Gateway Connect Internet Kit
The FloLogic leak detection and automatic water shutoff system is a unique water protection system that protects the home by detecting unusual water flow instead of relying on spot sensors being placed in just the right place to detect a leak. This EverWatch™ system can detect virtually all leaks, from small, slow-flowing pinholes to high-volume disasters. When a leak is detected the valve automatically shuts off the water supply to protect your entire home.
This FloLogic valve kit includes a 1.5" automatic shut off valve and Gateway Connect kit, which provides for local control, and also enables (free) Internet connectivity for for iOS and Android app-based control, push alerts, and remote adjustments from any location. Note that water detection and automatic shut off, work locally regardless of Internet connectivity so don't worry if the Internet connection fails.
Flooding is one of the most common causes of property damage and can be stressful as well as costly. It impacts 1 in 12 homes every year. Unfortunately, spot water sensors may not be located where a leak happens. Instead, FloLogic monitors the flow of water through pipes so it "sees everything".
FloLogic has two settings: home and away - with programmable flow timers to allow water to flow longer during home mode, and shorter during away mode. Should either mode be violated, the system will automatically shut-off the flow of water and notify you through the app on your smartphone. These modes can be scheduled through the app to allow for irrigation systems to work on schedule without being detected as a leak.
Users can see real time flow and execute commands to enter all available System modes using the Connect app*: Home, Away, Bypass, Disable, Water Off, Water On.
What if the power fails? FloLogic comes with a rechargeable battery that automatically charges when power is available and then instantly provides back-up power when mains power fails.
** Ask your insurance company if installing FloLogic qualifies you for a discount (it usually does!). In fact some insurance companies are now requiring flow based water shut off systems.
With the addition of an optional IO Module (sold separately), FloLogic can be connected to a water softener to temporarily override the shut-off to allow those systems to function normally if they happen to be installed after the valve. This option will also allow for connection to smart home and alarm systems. The optional IO module is expected to ship in late 2024.
The FloLogic valve is a full port, lead-free brass ball valve with a stainless steel ball with U.S. made cast bronze for your safety. It is typically installed after any existing municipal manual water shut-off valve, and after lines to pool fill, irrigation, water softeners, reverse osmosis filters.
FloLogic Leak Detection and 1 1/2 Inch Auto Water Shutoff Valve with Gateway Connect Specifications
- Capable of detecting water flow at 1/2 ounce (1 tablespoon, 15 ml) per minute
- Compatible with all domestic water pipe systems
- Can be installed in any orientation in both indoor and outdoor environments
- Integrated manual override
- Includes Gateway and Gateway Connect Module. Gateway plugs into your home router/modem and communicates wirelessly to the Gateway Connect module which is wired to the FloLogic valve providing ultimate installation and control flexibility.
- App iOS and Android compatible
- When AC power is interrupted, System Battery provides power
- When AC power is restored, the Power Supply will recharge the System Battery
- Less than 2 PSI pressure drop at 30 GPM. Less than 5 PSI pressure drop at 50 GPM
- Maximum designed working pressure is 100 PSI
- Full-port, lead-free, cast bronze construction with stainless steel ball
- Valve physical attributes: 12" long x 4 3/4" deep x 11" high; 16.5 lbs
- Equipped with 1.5" threaded union fittings on both ends of the valve
- UL-listed Class II power supply
- Five-year warranty (see details)
FloLogic with Gateway Connect Documents
- FloLogic with Gateway Connect Installation Guide
- FloLogic with Gateway Connect User Guide
- Gateway Connect Setup Video
FloLogic with Gateway Connect Includes:
- FloLogic automatic shut-off valve assembly with actuator and flow sensor
- Gateway Module (connects to router/modem and communicates wirelessly with Gateway Connect Module
- Gateway Connect Module (connects to FloLogic Valve)
- 25 foot communication cable for Gateway Connect Module
- Plug-in Power Supply / Battery Charger
- System Backup Battery with Hanging Strap
- Manual override tool
- Documentation
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